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IDEAS Summer School (G7-9)

Sustainability Research

 Social Sciences

Academic Writing


IDEAS summer camp prepares middle school students to become lifetime learners of both logical thinking and great empathy. Through two weeks of deep diving into an interdisciplinary humanities subject, students fully engage in an academic opportunity building for the future.



  • Interdisciplinary themes and integrated development in the humanities

  • Training in data analysis, research capabilities, and sustainable learning skills

  • Language enhancement: academic writing in English

Workshop Themes

Global Politics Critic

Campers learn systematically about social sciences and view the world's changes through the lenses of Economics and international relations.

Environmental Investigative Journalist

Campers step into the field of environmental sciences, and create a video report focusing on climates, energy and sustainability.


Location: Changshu UWC China

Fee: ¥29800/camper 

Capacity: 30 campers per session

Dates: 2023.7.02-7.13



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